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Workshop on challenges of innovation policy

24 November 2017


Workshop on challenges of innovation policy
24 november 2017
09:15 am

The number of contributions which cope with the innovation issues has increased significantly during the last years. The availability to the access of International databases and their detailed information have facilitated this larger interest. However, the socioeconomic dynamics imply that this phenomenon must widen its focus in order to facilitate the decision of key agents (in particular firms, policy-makers, universities and public agencies).

The workshop has a double aim. On the one hand, morning sessions will cope with new issues about the European innovation policy. On the other hand, in the afternoon we aim to establish technical challenges that researchers face up to when adopting an empirical approach.


With that purpose, the workshop will be driven by two researchers of international prestige:

a) Pierre Mohnen, Professor of UNU-MERIT (Holland) with a wide experience in the fields of innovation and European policies.

b) Harald Oberhofer, Professor of Vienna University (Austria) with a wide experience in the fields of innovation and industrial organization

The Conference

Keynote Speakers

Pierre Mohnen is Professor of microeconometrics of technical change at Maastricht University, a Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT Associated Fellow at CIRANO, Canada, and Senior Research Associate at the Technology and Management for Development Center at Oxford University. He has an MA in economics from the Catholic University of Louvain and a PhD in economics from New York University. His research deals mainly with the measurement, the determinants, the effects and the interrelationships of R&D, innovation, ICT, competition and productivity, and the effectiveness of innovation, environmental and social policies. He currently coordinates the economics of knowledge and innovation research theme at UNU-MERIT and sits on various scientific/advisory committees (ZEW, Wissenschaftsstatistik gGmbH, i4g group at Directorate General of Research of the European Commission). He has done consulting work for the OECD, the European Commission, the Inter-American Development Bank, UNICEF and government departments in Canada, Europe and Chile.

Harald Oberhofer is professor of Economics in the Vienna University of Economics and business and also research staff membre from the Austrian Institute of Economic Research. His main research areas are Industrial Economics, Innovation and International Competition, Firm growth, Firm demographics, International economics, Foreign direct investment and Multinational enterprises.


Welcome reception

Keynote speaker: “The role of innovation and management practices in determining firm productivity growth: in developing economies” by Pierre Mohnen (UNU Merit)

Eco and Energy Innovation: the challenge of double externalities

Chair: Jose García Quevedo (Universitat de Barcelona)


Elisenda Jové (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) : "Eco-strategies and firm growth in European SMEs" (joint with A. Segarra-Blasco)

Rosina Moreno (Universitat de Barcelona) : "The effects of green regions on local firms’ innovation" (joint with L.M. D’Agostino)

Kinga Tchorzewska (Universitat de Barcelona): "Incentives to eco-innovate. The effects of policy mix on firms' behaviour" (joint with J. García-Quevedo and E. Martínez-Ros)

Coffee break


A new dimension of innovation policies: the effect of diversity

Chair: Agustí Segarra (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)


Sara Amoroso (IPTS, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission): "Intellectual Property Protection Mechanisms in Small Entrepreneurial Firms".

Fabio Pieri (University of Trento): "Performing Youth: Young Managers Withstand the Great Recession?" (joint with G. Barba Navaretti and D. Castellani)

Mercedes Teruel (Universitat Rovira i Virgili): "Gender diversity, R&D teams and patents: An application to Spanish firms" (joint with A. Segarra-Blasco)



Conceptual and empirical improvements to design new policies

Chair: Mercedes Teruel


Ester Martínez-Ros (Universidad Carlos III): "Persistence in R&D Tax Credits and Innovation" (joint with JM. Labeaga, A. Sanchís and J. Sanchís)

Pere Arqué (Northwestern University): "The Market for Technology: Harnessing Creative Destruction" (joint with Daniel F. Spulber)

Ascensión Barajas (CDTI): "Public Support to Business R&D and the Economic Crisis" (joint with Elena Huergo and Lourdes Moreno)

Agustí Segarra-Blasco (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) : "John Rae: The Missing Link"

Keynote speaker: "The Econometrics of Innovation Policy Evaluation"  by Harald Oberhofer (Vienna University)


Coffe break

Young Workshop: “Guidelines for young researchers” by Harald Oberhofer and Pierre Mohnen









































How to arrive





Barcelona airport:

Reus airport:

Buses from Barcelona airport to Reus city:

How to arrive

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Organizing Committee

Organizing Committee

The workshop is a collaborative initiative between members from URV and UB under the support from Xarxa de referència en Economia Aplicada:

Local Organizing Committee:

Elisenda Jové - Phd Student (GRIT)

Sebastiano Cattaruzzo - Phd Student (GRIT)

Verònica Gombau - Research Support Staff (GRIT)

Anna Rovira - Research Support Staff (GRIT)

Keynote Speakers

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Faculty of Business and Economics

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Av. Universitat, 1

43204 – Reus (Spain)


I+D e innovación en energía (ECO2015-69107-R)

La diversidad de género como determinante de la innovación: un análisis del impacto de la diversidad de género sobre la innovación empresarial (ECO2015-68061-R)  


Contact information



Faculty of Business and Economics


Av. de la Universitat, 1

Reus - 43204

Tel: +34 977.759.816

© 2017 by Workshop on challenges of innovation policy.

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